On February 10, 2022 the Fairbanks Facility Planning Task Force met to look at facility assessments as we work to develop a master facility plan for Fairbanks. The meeting centered on the facility assessments for the elementary, middle, and high schools.
The Task Force spent time reviewing feedback from the first community meeting in January and comparing it to the facility assessments. One of the key efforts for our community is to determine priorities with regard to master facility planning.
The discussion was framed around the community feedback to set priorities for the task force, including a focus on the 3C’s of Facilities: Capacity, Curriculum, and Capital Improvements.
You can read the full assessments here:
Fairbanks Elementary School Facility Assessment
Fairbanks Middle and High School Facility Assessment
Our next community meeting will be on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 7:00pm in the Fairbanks Elementary School Gymnasium. The agenda will include an overview of the facility assessments and dialogue with the community about the information presented. The perspective of community members is critical to the development of this plan.
If you have questions about the plan development process, please contact me at adhamschirg@fairbankspanthers.org or call me at (937) 349 - 9000 ext 1202. Thank you for everything you do for Fairbanks!
Adham Schirg, Fairbanks Local School District, Superintendent