The Board of Education is committed to establishing a school and work environment that supports the free exchange of ideas and allows employees and students to maintain their own beliefs, affiliations, ideals, political opinions, and ideology without fear of repercussion. 


To that end, the Board will not solicit or require employees or job applicants to affirmatively ascribe to or express opinions about specific beliefs, affiliations, ideals, principles concerning political movements, or ideology. The Board shall not use statements of commitment to specific beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles concerning political movements or ideology as part of any evaluation criteria for employees or job applicants, or as a factor in determining an employee’s career advancement, assignment, or job benefits.

Likewise, the Board shall not solicit or require current or prospective students who seek enrollment in the District to affirmatively ascribe to specific beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles concerning political movement or ideology, nor will the District use any statements of commitment to specific beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles concerning political movements or ideology to evaluate the student’s academic performance.


The Board maintains its authority to take disciplinary and other types of action against employees and students who violate State and Federal laws, including anti-discrimination laws, in accordance with Board Policy, administrative guidelines, ( ) the provisions of an adopted collective bargaining agreement, [END OF OPTION] and the student code of conduct where applicable. 


Nothing in this policy is intended to modify or limit an educator’s academic freedom, or an educator’s ability to research or write publications about specific beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles concerning political movements, ideology, or social actions. 


This policy shall not prohibit, limit, or restrict the Board’s authority to consider a job applicant’s scholarship, teaching, or subject matter expertise in the applicant’s given field of study, nor does it limit the Board's authority to offer an established character education program.

The Board shall make all policies, District guidance, and training materials used for students and employees on all matters regarding specific beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles concerning political movements or ideology publicly available unless such documents or materials contain protected legal communications or guidance.


© Neola 2024